npm install -g npm-check
body-parser � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser#readme
npm install --save body-parser@1.18.3 to go from 1.17.1 to 1.18.3
� NOTUSED? Still using body-parser?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('body-parser') or import from 'body-parser'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save body-parser
colors � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://github.com/Marak/colors.js
npm install --save colors@1.3.2 to go from 1.1.2 to 1.3.2
� NOTUSED? Still using colors?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('colors') or import from 'colors'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save colors
cookie-parser � NOTUSED? Still using cookie-parser?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('cookie-parser') or import from 'cookie-parser'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save cookie-parser
dateformat � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/felixge/node-dateformat
npm install --save dateformat@3.0.3 to go from 1.0.12 to 3.0.3
� NOTUSED? Still using dateformat?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('dateformat') or import from 'dateformat'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save dateformat
del � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/sindresorhus/del#readme
npm install --save del@3.0.0 to go from 1.2.1 to 3.0.0
� NOTUSED? Still using del?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('del') or import from 'del'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save del
express � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. http://expressjs.com/
npm install --save express@4.16.4 to go from 4.15.2 to 4.16.4
� NOTUSED? Still using express?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('express') or import from 'express'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save express
fs-extra � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra
npm install --save fs-extra@7.0.1 to go from 1.0.0 to 7.0.1
� NOTUSED? Still using fs-extra?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('fs-extra') or import from 'fs-extra'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save fs-extra
gulp � NOTUSED? Still using gulp?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('gulp') or import from 'gulp'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save gulp
gulp-assetpaths � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://github.com/qwales1/gulp-assetpaths#readme
npm install --save gulp-assetpaths@0.3.3 to go from 0.3.0 to 0.3.3
gulp-cdn-replace � MISSING! Not installed.
gulp-clean-css � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/scniro/gulp-clean-css#readme
npm install --save gulp-clean-css@4.0.0 to go from 2.0.13 to 4.0.0
gulp-contrib-copy � MISSING! Not installed.
gulp-cssbeautify � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/jonkemp/gulp-cssbeautify#readme
npm install --save gulp-cssbeautify@1.0.1 to go from 0.1.3 to 1.0.1
gulp-csso � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/ben-eb/gulp-csso
npm install --save gulp-csso@3.0.1 to go from 2.0.0 to 3.0.1
gulp-file-include � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/coderhaoxin/gulp-file-include#readme
npm install --save gulp-file-include@2.0.1 to go from 1.0.0 to 2.0.1
gulp-imagemin � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-imagemin#readme
npm install --save gulp-imagemin@5.0.3 to go from 3.1.1 to 5.0.3
gulp-inline-source � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/fmal/gulp-inline-source#readme
npm install --save gulp-inline-source@4.0.0 to go from 2.1.0 to 4.0.0
gulp-jshint � MAJOR UP Major update available. http://github.com/spalger/gulp-jshint
npm install --save gulp-jshint@2.1.0 to go from 1.12.0 to 2.1.0
gulp-plumber � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-plumber
npm install --save gulp-plumber@1.2.1 to go from 1.1.0 to 1.2.1
gulp-replace � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/lazd/gulp-replace#readme
npm install --save gulp-replace@1.0.0 to go from 0.5.4 to 1.0.0
gulp-rev � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-rev#readme
npm install --save gulp-rev@9.0.0 to go from 7.1.2 to 9.0.0
gulp-rev-collector � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://github.com/shonny-ua/gulp-rev-collector
npm install --save gulp-rev-collector@1.3.1 to go from 1.1.1 to 1.3.1
gulp-uglify � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/terinjokes/gulp-uglify/
npm install --save gulp-uglify@3.0.1 to go from 1.5.4 to 3.0.1
imagemin-pngquant � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/imagemin/imagemin-pngquant#readme
npm install --save imagemin-pngquant@6.0.0 to go from 5.0.0 to 6.0.0
� NOTUSED? Still using imagemin-pngquant?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('imagemin-pngquant') or import from 'imagemin-pngquant'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save imagemin-pngquant
jshint-stylish � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/sindresorhus/jshint-stylish#readme
npm install --save jshint-stylish@2.2.1 to go from 0.4.0 to 2.2.1
� NOTUSED? Still using jshint-stylish?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('jshint-stylish') or import from 'jshint-stylish'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save jshint-stylish
load-grunt-tasks � MISSING! Not installed.
� MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/sindresorhus/load-grunt-tasks#readme
npm install --save load-grunt-tasks@4.0.0 to go from 0.4.0 to 4.0.0
� NOTUSED? Still using load-grunt-tasks?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('load-grunt-tasks') or import from 'load-grunt-tasks'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save load-grunt-tasks
map-stream � NEW VER! NonSemver update available. http://github.com/dominictarr/map-stream
npm install --save map-stream@0.0.7 to go from 0.0.6 to 0.0.7
� NOTUSED? Still using map-stream?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('map-stream') or import from 'map-stream'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save map-stream
merge-stream � NOTUSED? Still using merge-stream?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('merge-stream') or import from 'merge-stream'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save merge-stream
minimist � NOTUSED? Still using minimist?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('minimist') or import from 'minimist'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save minimist
request � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://github.com/request/request#readme
npm install --save request@2.88.0 to go from 2.80.0 to 2.88.0
� NOTUSED? Still using request?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('request') or import from 'request'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save request
run-sequence � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/OverZealous/run-sequence
npm install --save run-sequence@2.2.1 to go from 1.2.2 to 2.2.1
� NOTUSED? Still using run-sequence?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('run-sequence') or import from 'run-sequence'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save run-sequence
time-grunt � MISSING! Not installed.
� MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/sindresorhus/time-grunt#readme
npm install --save time-grunt@2.0.0 to go from 0.4.0 to 2.0.0
� NOTUSED? Still using time-grunt?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('time-grunt') or import from 'time-grunt'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save time-grunt
watch � NOTUSED? Still using watch?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('watch') or import from 'watch'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save watch
gulp-connect � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://github.com/avevlad/gulp-connect#readme
npm install --save-dev gulp-connect@5.6.1 to go from 5.0.0 to 5.6.1
gulp-watch � MAJOR UP Major update available. https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-watch#readme
npm install --save-dev gulp-watch@5.0.1 to go from 4.3.11 to 5.0.1
gulp-zip � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-zip#readme
npm install --save-dev gulp-zip@4.2.0 to go from 4.0.0 to 4.2.0
moment � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. http://momentjs.com
npm install --save-dev moment@2.22.2 to go from 2.18.1 to 2.22.2
� NOTUSED? Still using moment?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('moment') or import from 'moment'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save-dev moment
shelljs � NEW VER! NonSemver update available. http://github.com/shelljs/shelljs
npm install --save-dev shelljs@0.8.3 to go from 0.7.8 to 0.8.3
� NOTUSED? Still using shelljs?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('shelljs') or import from 'shelljs'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save-dev shelljs
time-stamp � UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://github.com/jonschlinkert/time-stamp
npm install --save-dev time-stamp@2.2.0 to go from 2.0.0 to 2.2.0
� NOTUSED? Still using time-stamp?
Depcheck did not find code similar to require('time-stamp') or import from 'time-stamp'.
Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
To remove this package: npm uninstall --save-dev time-stamp
Use npm-check -u for interactive update.
命令: npm-check -u
,即npm-check -u -g
D:\project\test\trunk>npm-check -u
? Choose which packages to update. (Press <space> to select)
Missing. You probably want these.
>( ) gulp-cdn-replace missing 0.6.0 https://github.com/JiangJie/gulp-cdn-replace
( ) gulp-contrib-copy missing 0.1.3 https://github.com/goel4ever/gulp-contrib-copy#readm
Minor Update New backwards-compatible features.
( ) body-parser 1.17.1 ❯ 1.18.3 https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser#readme
( ) colors 1.1.2 ❯ 1.3.2 https://github.com/Marak/colors.js
( ) express 4.15.2 ❯ 4.16.4 http://expressjs.com/
( ) gulp-plumber 1.1.0 ❯ 1.2.1 https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-plumber
( ) gulp-rev-collector 1.1.1 ❯ 1.3.1 https://github.com/shonny-ua/gulp-rev-collector
( ) request 2.80.0 ❯ 2.88.0 https://github.com/request/request#readme
( ) gulp-connect devDep 5.0.0 ❯ 5.6.1 https://github.com/avevlad/gulp-connect#readme
( ) gulp-zip devDep 4.0.0 ❯ 4.2.0 https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-zip#readme
( ) moment devDep 2.18.1 ❯ 2.22.2 http://momentjs.com
( ) time-stamp devDep 2.0.0 ❯ 2.2.0 https://github.com/jonschlinkert/time-stamp
D:\project\test\trunk>npm-check -u
? Choose which packages to update. (Press <space> to select)
Missing. You probably want these.
>( ) gulp-cdn-replace missing 0.6.0 https://github.com/JiangJie/gulp-cdn-replace
( ) gulp-contrib-copy missing 0.1.3 https://github.com/goel4ever/gulp-contrib-copy#readme
Minor Update New backwards-compatible features.
( ) body-parser 1.17.1 ❯ 1.18.3 https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser#readme
( ) colors 1.1.2 ❯ 1.3.2 https://github.com/Marak/colors.js
( ) express 4.15.2 ❯ 4.16.4 http://expressjs.com/
( ) gulp-plumber 1.1.0 ❯ 1.2.1 https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-plumber
( ) gulp-rev-collector 1.1.1 ❯ 1.3.1 https://github.com/shonny-ua/gulp-rev-collector
( ) request 2.80.0 ❯ 2.88.0 https://github.com/request/request#readme
( ) gulp-connect devDep 5.0.0 ❯ 5.6.1 https://github.com/avevlad/gulp-connect#readme
( ) gulp-zip devDep 4.0.0 ❯ 4.2.0 https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-zip#readme
( ) moment devDep 2.18.1 ❯ 2.22.2 http://momentjs.com
( ) time-stamp devDep 2.0.0 ❯ 2.2.0 https://github.com/jonschlinkert/time-stamp
Major Update Potentially breaking API changes. Use caution.
( ) dateformat 1.0.12 ❯ 3.0.3 https://github.com/felixge/node-dateformat
( ) del 1.2.1 ❯ 3.0.0 https://github.com/sindresorhus/del#readme
( ) fs-extra 1.0.0 ❯ 7.0.1 https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra
( ) gulp-clean-css 2.0.13 ❯ 4.0.0 https://github.com/scniro/gulp-clean-css#readme
( ) gulp-cssbeautify 0.1.3 ❯ 1.0.1 https://github.com/jonkemp/gulp-cssbeautify#readme
( ) gulp-csso 2.0.0 ❯ 3.0.1 https://github.com/ben-eb/gulp-csso
( ) gulp-file-include 1.0.0 ❯ 2.0.1 https://github.com/coderhaoxin/gulp-file-include#readme
( ) gulp-imagemin 3.1.1 ❯ 5.0.3 https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-imagemin#readme
( ) gulp-inline-source 2.1.0 ❯ 4.0.0 https://github.com/fmal/gulp-inline-source#readme
( ) gulp-jshint 1.12.0 ❯ 2.1.0 http://github.com/spalger/gulp-jshint
( ) gulp-replace 0.5.4 ❯ 1.0.0 https://github.com/lazd/gulp-replace#readme
( ) gulp-rev 7.1.2 ❯ 9.0.0 https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-rev#readme
( ) gulp-uglify 1.5.4 ❯ 3.0.1 https://github.com/terinjokes/gulp-uglify/
( ) imagemin-pngquant 5.0.0 ❯ 6.0.0 https://github.com/imagemin/imagemin-pngquant#readme
( ) jshint-stylish 0.4.0 ❯ 2.2.1 https://github.com/sindresorhus/jshint-stylish#readme
( ) load-grunt-tasks missing 0.4.0 ❯ 4.0.0 https://github.com/sindresorhus/load-grunt-tasks#readme
( ) run-sequence 1.2.2 ❯ 2.2.1 https://github.com/OverZealous/run-sequence
( ) time-grunt missing 0.4.0 ❯ 2.0.0 https://github.com/sindresorhus/time-grunt#readme
( ) gulp-watch devDep 4.3.11 ❯ 5.0.1 https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-watch#readme
Non-Semver Versions less than 1.0.0, caution.
( ) gulp-assetpaths 0.3.0 ❯ 0.3.3 https://github.com/qwales1/gulp-assetpaths#readme
( ) map-stream 0.0.6 ❯ 0.0.7 http://github.com/dominictarr/map-stream
( ) shelljs devDep 0.7.8 ❯ 0.8.3 http://github.com/shelljs/shelljs
Space to select. Enter to start upgrading. Control-C to cancel.
公司新入手的Macbook m1最新款,使用NPM RUN DEV,你都可以去喝杯咖啡再回来,再看还在 build,怎么解决?
internal/validators.js:124 throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, ‘string‘, value)
gulp4构建报错: Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir
The 'typeof' Babel helper is used more than once in your code. It's strongly recommended that you use the "external-helpers" plugin or the "es2015-rollup" preset. See https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-babel#configuring-babel for more information
Unknown plugin &quot;external-helpers&quot; specified in
项目从svn迁到git了,遇到的一个坑:前端工程化打包,会给每个js\css\img文件名添加一个hash值,svn下这个一点问题没有,迁到git后,hash值在不同的电脑上总是不一样。那是什么原因呢?也许你还会发现,有些本来没有修改过的文件,在"git status"时也提示有修改,需要提交。
nodejs从8.15.0版本升级到10.15.0版本,gulp打包报错~gulp[2092]: src\node_contextify.cc:633: Assertion `args[1]->IsString()' failed.
npm ERR! Cannot read property &amp;#39;match&amp;#39; of undefined
ReferenceError: internalBinding is not defined
vue2.0 项目,利用webpack搭建mock api服务,用于本地调试数据
webpack打包,报"WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB)",记录一下
webpack 是一个现代 JavaScript 应用程序的静态模块打包器(static module bundler)。在 webpack 处理应用程序时,它会在内部创建一个依赖图(dependency graph),用于映射到项目需要的每个模块,然后将所有这些依赖生成到一个或多个bundle
网站是基于eggjs写的,某天突然报spawn tail ENOENT错误,难道'child_process'调用spawn问题?
nodejs 社区乃至 Web 前端工程化领域发展到今天,作为 node 自带的包管理工具的 npm 已经成为每个前端开发者必备的工具。但是现实状况是,我们很多人对这个nodejs基础设施的使用和了解还停留在: 会用 npm install 这里(一言不合就删除整个 node_modules 目录然后重新 install 这种事你没做过吗?)
npm 教程