
ECMA-262-3 in detail——第七章:OOP(第二部分:ECMAScript实现)

2015年05月26日 发布 阅读(2213) 作者:Jerman

原文: http://dmitrysoshnikov.com/ecmascript/chapter-7-2-oop-ecmascript-implementation/

介绍 | Introduction


ECMAScript中的OOP实现 | ECMAScript OOP implementation

ECMAScript是一种面向对象的编程语言,它支持基于原型的委托式继承(delegating inheritance based on prototypes)。
让我们从数据类型开始分析。首先需要注意的是,ECMAScript中将实体(数据)分为原始值(primitive values)和对象。因此,一些文章中所说的“everything in JavaScript is an object”是不正确的(不完整的)。原始值涉及到数据的几种具体类型,让我们来讨论一下相关的细节。

数据类型 | Data types


  • Undefined
  • Null
  • Boolean
  • Number
  • String
  • Object


  • Reference
  • List
  • Completion

简单地说,引用(Reference)类型用来解释诸如delete, typeof, this等运算,它由一个基本对象(base object)和属性名组成(译者按:具体例子可以参见第三章中的活化对象的this关键字部分)。列表(List)类型用来解释参数列表的行为(在new 表达式和函数调用中)。最后,完成(Completion)类型用来解释break, continue, return 和 throw 语句的行为。
回到ES程序中使用的六种类型上,前面五种:Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, String 都是原始值类型(typeof Primitive value)。

  1. var a = undefined;
  2. var b = null;
  3. var c = true;
  4. var d = 'test';
  5. var e = 10;

如果没有正确地理解而只是用typeof运算来返回类型,那么得到的结果将可能是错误的。其中一个例子是关于null值。当对null进行typeof 运算时,返回值是“object”,而null实际的类型应该是Null。
alert(typeof null); // “object”

规范中并没有澄清这一点,但是Brendan Eich(Javascript发明者)注意到,和undefined不同,null主要用在对象的场合中,换句话说,本质上更接近于对象(它意味着一个对象的“空引用”,可能是为将来的操作预留位置)。但是,在一些草案中,将这个现象描述为一个普通的bug。最后结果是,让它保持原样(返回“object”),虽然ECMA-262-3中定义null的类型为Null。

对象类型 | Object type


  1. var x = { // object "x" 有三个属性: a, b, c
  2. a: 10, // 原始值
  3. b: {z: 100}, // 另一个对象
  4. c: function () { // 函数(方法)
  5. alert('method x.c');
  6. }
  7. };
  8. alert(x.a); // 10
  9. alert(x.b); // [object Object]
  10. alert(x.b.z); // 100
  11. x.c(); // 'method x.c'

动态的本质 | Dynamic nature


  1. var foo = {x: 10};
  2. // add new property
  3. foo.y = 20;
  4. console.log(foo); // {x: 10, y: 20}
  5. // change property value to function
  6. foo.x = function () {
  7. console.log('foo.x');
  8. };
  9. foo.x(); // 'foo.x'
  10. // delete property
  11. delete foo.x;
  12. console.log(foo); // {y: 20}

注意,ES5中标准化的静态对象(static object)不能扩展新属性,也不能修改或者删除现有属性。这些被称为冻结的对象(frozen objects)。可以通过使用Object.freeze(o)方法来获得这些对象。

  1. var foo = {x: 10};
  2. // freeze the object
  3. Object.freeze(foo);
  4. console.log(Object.isFrozen(foo)); // true
  5. // can't modify
  6. foo.x = 100;
  7. // can't extend
  8. foo.y = 200;
  9. // can't delete
  10. delete foo.x;
  11. console.log(foo); // {x: 10}

同样,可以通过Object.preventExtensions(o) 方法来防止扩展,或者通过Object.defineProperty(o)方法来具体控制属性的内部参数:

  1. var foo = {x : 10};
  2. Object.defineProperty(foo, "y", {
  3. value: 20,
  4. writable: false, // read-only
  5. configurable: false // non-configurable
  6. });
  7. // can't modify
  8. foo.y = 200;
  9. // can't delete
  10. delete foo.y; // false
  11. // prevent extensions
  12. Object.preventExtensions(foo);
  13. console.log(Object.isExtensible(foo)); // false
  14. // can't add new properties
  15. foo.z = 30;
  16. console.log(foo); {x: 10, y: 20}

内建对象,本地对象和宿主对象 | Built-in, native and host objects

同样需要注意的是,规范中区分的本地对象(native objects),内建对象(built-in objects)和宿主对象(host objects)。
内建和本地的对象是由ECMAScript规范和实现器来定义的,它们之间的区别并不大。本地对象(native objects)是指由ECMAScript实现器提供的全部对象(其中一些是内建对象,另一些可以是在程序扩展中创建的,比如用户定义的对象)。
内建对象(built-in objects)是本地对象的子类型,它们会在程序开始前预先建立到ECMAScript中(比如parseInt, Math 等等)。
宿主对象(host objects)是由宿主环境(通常是一个浏览器)提供的对象,比如window, alert等。

逻辑、字符串和数值对象 | Boolean, String and Number objects

对于一些原始值,规范中也定义了特殊的包装对象(wrapper object)。这些对象如下:

  • Boolean-object
  • String-object
  • Number-object


  1. var c = new Boolean(true);
  2. var d = new String('test');
  3. var e = new Number(10);
  4. // converting to primitive
  5. // conversion: ToPrimitive
  6. // applying as a function, without "new" keyword
  7. с = Boolean(c);
  8. d = String(d);
  9. e = Number(e);
  10. // back to Object
  11. // conversion: ToObject
  12. с = Object(c);
  13. d = Object(d);
  14. e = Object(e);

此外,还有一些通过特殊的内建构造式创建的对象:Function, Array, RegExp, Math, Date, 等等。这些对象同样是对象类型的可能值,而它们之间的区别是通过内部属性来管理的,下面我们也会讨论这一点。

字面量表示法 | Literal notations

对于以下三种对象的值:对象(object), 数组(array), 正则表达式(regexp expression),有一个简短的(和完整的内建构造式创建方式相比,)表示法,分别成为:对象初始化器(object initialiser),数组初始化器(array initialiser),正则表达式字面量(regexp expression literal):

  1. // equivalent to new Array(1, 2, 3);
  2. // or array = new Array();
  3. // array[0] = 1;
  4. // array[1] = 2;
  5. // array[2] = 3;
  6. var array = [1, 2, 3];
  7. // equivalent to
  8. // var object = new Object();
  9. // object.a = 1;
  10. // object.b = 2;
  11. // object.c = 3;
  12. var object = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
  13. // equivalent to new RegExp("^\\d+$", "g")
  14. var re = /^\d+$/g;

注意,如果将名称绑定——Object, Array, RegExp 重新复制到新的对象上,之后使用字面量表示法的语法在不同实现器中可能会有所不同。例如在目前的Rhino实现器或者旧的1.7版的SpiderMonkey中,使用字面量表示法将会创建和构造式名称相对应的新的值类型的对象。在另一些实现器中(包括目前的Spider和TraceMonkey)字面量表示法的语义不会随着构造式名称绑定到新的对象上而改变。

  1. var getClass = Object.prototype.toString;
  2. Object = Number;
  3. var foo = new Object;
  4. alert([foo, getClass.call(foo)]); // 0, "[object Number]"
  5. var bar = {};
  6. // in Rhino, SpiderMonkey 1.7 - 0, "[object Number]"
  7. // in other: still "[object Object]", "[object Object]"
  8. alert([bar, getClass.call(bar)]);
  9. // the same with Array name
  10. Array = Number;
  11. foo = new Array;
  12. alert([foo, getClass.call(foo)]); // 0, "[object Number]"
  13. bar = [];
  14. // in Rhino, SpiderMonkey 1.7 - 0, "[object Number]"
  15. // in other: still "", "[object Object]"
  16. alert([bar, getClass.call(bar)]);
  17. // but for RegExp, semantics of the literal
  18. // isn't being changed in all tested implementations
  19. RegExp = Number;
  20. foo = new RegExp;
  21. alert([foo, getClass.call(foo)]); // 0, "[object Number]"
  22. bar = /(?!)/g;
  23. alert([bar, getClass.call(bar)]); // /(?!)/g, "[object RegExp]"

正则表达式字面量和正则对象 | Regular Expression Literal and RegExp Objects


  1. for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
  2. var re = /ecma/g;
  3. alert(re.lastIndex); // 0, 4, 0, 4
  4. alert(re.test("ecmascript")); // true, false, true, false
  5. }
  6. // in contrast with
  7. for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
  8. var re = new RegExp("ecma", "g");
  9. alert(re.lastIndex); // 0, 0, 0, 0
  10. alert(re.test("ecmascript")); // true, true, true, true
  11. }


关联数组 | Associative arrays

在各种文章和讨论中,常常把Javascript对象(这里通常是特指通过声明的形式——通过对象初始化器“{}”创建的对象)称为哈希表(hash-tables)或者简称——hash(从Ruby和Perl中来的术语)、关联数组(associative arrays, 从PHP中来的术语)、字典(dictionaries,从Python中来的术语),等等。

  1. var a = {x: 10};
  2. a['y'] = 20;
  3. a.z = 30;
  4. var b = new Number(1);
  5. b.x = 10;
  6. b.y = 20;
  7. b['z'] = 30;
  8. var c = new Function('');
  9. c.x = 10;
  10. c.y = 20;
  11. c['z'] = 30;
  12. // etc. – with any object "subtype"


  1. Object.prototype.x = 10;
  2. var a = {}; // create "empty" "hash"
  3. alert(a["x"]); // 10, but it's not empty
  4. alert(a.toString); // function
  5. a["y"] = 20; // add new pair to "hash"
  6. alert(a["y"]); // 20
  7. Object.prototype.y = 20; // and property into the prototype
  8. delete a["y"]; // remove
  9. alert(a["y"]); // but key and value are still here – 20


  1. var aHashTable = Object.create(null);
  2. console.log(aHashTable.toString); // undefined


  1. var a = new String("foo");
  2. a['length'] = 10;
  3. alert(a['length']); // 3

同样,在ES中一个“属性(property)”的概念在语义上并不细分为“键(key)”,“数组索引(array index)”,“方法(method)”或“属性(property)”。它们都是属性,在原型链的测试中都符合读写算法的一般规则。

  1. a = {}
  2. a.class # Hash
  3. a.length # 0
  4. # new "key-value" pair
  5. a['length'] = 10;
  6. # but semantics for the dot notation
  7. # remains other and means access
  8. # to the "property/method", but not to the "key"
  9. a.length # 1
  10. # and the bracket notation
  11. # provides access to "keys" of a hash
  12. a['length'] # 10
  13. # we can augment dynamically Hash class
  14. # with new properties/methods and they via
  15. # delegation will be available for already created objects
  16. class Hash
  17. def z
  18. 100
  19. end
  20. end
  21. # a new "property" is available
  22. a.z # 100
  23. # but not a "key"
  24. a['z'] # nil


类型转换 | Type conversion


  1. var a = new Number(1);
  2. var primitiveA = Number(a); // implicit "valueOf" call
  3. var alsoPrimitiveA = a.valueOf(); // explicit
  4. alert([
  5. typeof a, // "object"
  6. typeof primitiveA, // "number"
  7. typeof alsoPrimitiveA // "number"
  8. ]);


  1. var a = new Number(1);
  2. var b = new Number(2);
  3. alert(a + b); // 3
  4. // or even so
  5. var c = {
  6. x: 10,
  7. y: 20,
  8. valueOf: function () {
  9. return this.x + this.y;
  10. }
  11. };
  12. var d = {
  13. x: 30,
  14. y: 40,
  15. // the same .valueOf
  16. // functionality as "с" object has,
  17. // borrow it:
  18. valueOf: c.valueOf
  19. };
  20. alert(c + d); // 100


  1. var a = {};
  2. alert(a.valueOf() === a); // true, "valueOf" returned this value
  3. var d = new Date();
  4. alert(d.valueOf()); // time
  5. alert(d.valueOf() === d.getTime()); // true


  1. var a = {
  2. valueOf: function () {
  3. return 100;
  4. },
  5. toString: function () {
  6. return '__test';
  7. }
  8. };
  9. // in this operation
  10. // toString method is
  11. // called automatically
  12. alert(a); // "__test"
  13. // but here - the .valueOf() method
  14. alert(a + 10); // 110
  15. // but if there is no
  16. // valueOf method, it
  17. // will be replaced with the
  18. //toString method
  19. delete a.valueOf;
  20. alert(a + 10); // "_test10"


  1. var n = Object(1); // [object Number]
  2. var s = Object('test'); // [object String]
  3. o
  4. // also for some types it is
  5. // possible to call Object with new operator
  6. var b = new Object(true); // [object Boolean]
  7. o
  8. // but applied with arguments,
  9. // new Object creates a simple object
  10. var o = new Object(); // [object Object]
  11. o
  12. // in case if argument for Object function
  13. // is already object value,
  14. // it simply returns
  15. var a = [];
  16. alert(a === new Object(a)); // true
  17. alert(a === Object(a)); // true


  1. var a = Array(1, 2, 3); // [object Array]
  2. var b = new Array(1, 2, 3); // [object Array]
  3. var c = [1, 2, 3]; // [object Array]
  4. var d = Function(''); // [object Function]
  5. var e = new Function(''); // [object Function]


  1. var a = 1;
  2. var b = 2;
  3. // implicit
  4. var c = a + b; // 3, number
  5. var d = a + b + '5' // "35", string
  6. // explicit
  7. var e = '10'; // "10", string
  8. var f = +e; // 10, number
  9. var g = parseInt(e, 10); // 10, number
  10. // etc.

属性的内部参数 | Property attributes

{ReadOnly} ——(有这个内部属性时)对属性写入值的尝试会被忽略;ReadOnly的属性可以通过宿主环境的行为而改变,因此ReadOnly并不等于“常量(constant value)”
{DontEnum} —— 属性不能通过for…in循环枚举
{DontDelete} —— 对这个属性的delete运算将会被忽略
{Internal} —— 属性是内部的,它没有名称并且只在实现器级别上使用。这类属性不能通过ECMAScript程序访问。
注意,在ES5中,{ReadOnly}, {DontEnum}, {DontDelete}分别被重命名为[[Writable]], [[Enumerable]]和[[Configurable]],并且可以通过Object.defineProperty以及类似方法来手动管理。

  1. var foo = {};
  2. Object.defineProperty(foo, "x", {
  3. value: 10,
  4. writable: true, // aka {ReadOnly} = false
  5. enumerable: false, // aka {DontEnum} = true
  6. configurable: true // {DontDelete} = false
  7. });
  8. console.log(foo.x); // 10
  9. // attributes set is called a descriptor
  10. var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(foo, "x");
  11. console.log(desc.enumerable); // false
  12. console.log(desc.writable); // true
  13. // etc.

内部属性和方法 | Internal properties and methods

[[Class]]——一个用于表示对象类型的字符串(例如Object, Array, Function,等);它用于区分对象
在ES程序中,可以通过Object.prototype.toString()方法来间接获得对象的[[Class]]属性。(译者按:注意和对象的一些分支类型的toString方法相区别,比如Array.prototype.toString)。这个方法将返回如下字符串“[object ”+[[Class]]+”]”,例如:

  1. var getClass = Object.prototype.toString;
  2. getClass.call({}); // [object Object]
  3. getClass.call([]); // [object Array]
  4. getClass.call(new Number(1)); // [object Number]
  5. // etc.

这个特性常常被用来检查对象的类型,然而需要注意的是,在规范中,宿主对象(host objects)的内部属性[[Class]]可以是任何值,包括内建对象的[[Class]]属性的值,这样理论上就不能100%保证检测正确性。例如,document.childNodes.item(…)的属性[[Class]]在IE中返回为“String”(而在其他实现器中则是“Function”)。

  1. // in IE - "String", in other - "Function"
  2. alert(getClass.call(document.childNodes.item));

构造器 | Constructor


  1. function A() {
  2. // update newly created object
  3. this.x = 10;
  4. // but return different object
  5. return [1, 2, 3];
  6. }
  7. var a = new A();
  8. console.log(a.x, a); undefined, [1, 2, 3]

根据第五章.函数中讨论过的函数对象创建的算法我们看到,函数是一种本地对象,它有若干内部属性其中包括[[Call]]和[[Construct]],它还有显式的属性prototype——未来对象的原型的引用(注意,下面这个例子中以及后面的例子中用到的NativeObject是我的伪代码,以用来表示ECMA-262-3中的“本地对象(native object)”的概念,它不是一个内建的构造器):

  1. F = new NativeObject();
  2. F.[[Class]] = "Function"
  3. ... // 其他内部属性设定
  4. F.[[Call]] = <reference to the function>
  5. F.[[Construct]] = internalConstructor
  6. ... // 其他内部属性设定
  7. __objectPrototype = {};
  8. __objectPrototype.constructor = F // {DontEnum}
  9. F.prototype = __objectPrototype

因此,除了[[Class]]属性(值为“Function”),[[Call]]属性在对象区分方面起到主要作用。因此,有内部属性[[Call]]的对象被当做函数调用。这些对象的typeof运算的返回值是“function”。但是,在“宿主可调用对象(host callable object)”的情况中(主要是本地对象),一些实现器中的typeof运算(以及[[Call]]属性)可以返回其他值:例如,IE中的window.alert(…):

  1. // in IE - "Object", "object", in other - "Function", "function"
  2. alert(Object.prototype.toString.call(window.alert));
  3. alert(typeof window.alert); // "Object"


  1. function A(x) { // constructor А
  2. this.x = x || 10;
  3. }
  4. // without arguments, call
  5. // brackets can be omitted
  6. var a = new A; // or new A();
  7. alert(a.x); // 10
  8. // explicit passing of
  9. // x argument value
  10. var b = new A(20);
  11. alert(b.x); // 20

我们同样知道,构造器内部的this的值(在初始化阶段)是新创建的对象(newly created object)。

对象创建的算法 | Algorithm of objects creation


  1. F.[[Construct]](initialParameters):
  2. O = new NativeObject();
  3. O.[[Class]] = "Object"
  4. var __objectPrototype = F.prototype;
  5. // if __objectPrototype is an object, then:
  6. O.[[Prototype]] = __objectPrototype
  7. // else:
  8. O.[[Prototype]] = Object.prototype;
  9. // initialization of the newly created object
  10. // applying the F.[[Call]]; pass:
  11. // as this value – newly created object - O,
  12. // arguments are the same as initialParameters for F
  13. R = F.[[Call]](initialParameters); this === O;
  14. // where R is the returned value of the [[Call]]
  15. // in JS view it looks like:
  16. // R = F.apply(O, initialParameters);
  17. // if R is an object
  18. return R
  19. // else
  20. return O


  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype.x = 10;
  3. var a = new A();
  4. alert(a.x); // 10 – by delegation, from the prototype
  5. // set .prototype property of the
  6. // function to new object; why explicitly
  7. // to define the .constructor property,
  8. // will be described below
  9. A.prototype = {
  10. constructor: A,
  11. y: 100
  12. };
  13. var b = new A();
  14. // object "b" has new prototype
  15. alert(b.x); // undefined
  16. alert(b.y); // 100 – by delegation, from the prototype
  17. // however, prototype of the "a" object
  18. // is still old (why - we will see below)
  19. alert(a.x); // 10 - by delegation, from the prototype
  20. function B() {
  21. this.x = 10;
  22. return new Array();
  23. }
  24. // if "B" constructor had not return
  25. // (or was return this), then this-object
  26. // would be used, but in this case – an array
  27. var b = new B();
  28. alert(b.x); // undefined
  29. alert(Object.prototype.toString.call(b)); // [object Array]


原型 | Prototype

每一个对象都有一个原型(prototype)(除了一些系统对象之外。译者按:这里指的是对象的内部属性,注意和函数对象的prototype属性相区别)。原型是和内部的、隐含的、不能直接访问的[[Prototype]]属性相联系的。一个原型可以是一个对象(object, 特指纯键值对的类型而非其他类型的对象),也可以是null。

constructor属性 | Property constructor


  1. function A() {}
  2. var a = new A();
  3. alert(a.constructor); // function A() {}, by delegation
  4. alert(a.constructor === A); // true


  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype.x = new Number(10);
  3. var a = new A();
  4. alert(a.constructor.prototype); // [object Object]
  5. alert(a.x); // 10, via delegation
  6. // the same as a.[[Prototype]].x
  7. alert(a.constructor.prototype.x); // 10
  8. alert(a.constructor.prototype.x === a.x); // true


  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype = {
  3. x: 10
  4. };
  5. var a = new A();
  6. alert(a.x); // 10
  7. alert(a.constructor === A); // false!


  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype = {
  3. constructor: A,
  4. x: 10
  5. };
  6. var a = new A();
  7. alert(a.x); // 10
  8. alert(a.constructor === A); // true


  1. var foo = {x: 10};
  2. Object.defineProperty(foo, "y", {
  3. value: 20,
  4. enumerable: false // aka {DontEnum} = true
  5. });
  6. console.log(foo.x, foo.y); // 10, 20
  7. for (var k in foo) {
  8. console.log(k); // only "x"
  9. }
  10. var xDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(foo, "x");
  11. var yDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(foo, "y");
  12. console.log(
  13. xDesc.enumerable, // true
  14. yDesc.enumerable // false
  15. );

显式的prototype属性和隐式的[[Prototype]]内部属性 | Explicit prototype and implicit [[Prototype]] properties

a.[[Prototype]] ——> Prototype <—— A.prototype

// was before changing of A.prototype
a.[[Prototype]] ——> Prototype <—— A.prototype

// became after
A.prototype ——> New prototype // new objects will have this prototype
a.[[Prototype]] ——> Prototype // reference to old prototype


  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype.x = 10;
  3. var a = new A();
  4. alert(a.x); // 10
  5. A.prototype = {
  6. constructor: A,
  7. x: 20
  8. y: 30
  9. };
  10. // object "а" delegates to
  11. // the old prototype via
  12. // implicit [[Prototype]] reference
  13. alert(a.x); // 10
  14. alert(a.y) // undefined
  15. var b = new A();
  16. // but new objects at creation
  17. // get reference to new prototype
  18. alert(b.x); // 20
  19. alert(b.y) // 30


非标准的proto属性 | Non-standard proto property

然而,一些实现器,比如SpiderMonkey(译者按:目前除IE外的几个主流浏览器都支持proto(FF, Chrome, Opera,Safari),而IE到10为止仍不支持),提供了对于对象原型的显示引用,通过一个非标准的proto属性:

  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype.x = 10;
  3. var a = new A();
  4. alert(a.x); // 10
  5. var __newPrototype = {
  6. constructor: A,
  7. x: 20,
  8. y: 30
  9. };
  10. // reference to new object
  11. A.prototype = __newPrototype;
  12. var b = new A();
  13. alert(b.x); // 20
  14. alert(b.y); // 30
  15. // "a" object still delegates
  16. // to the old prototype
  17. alert(a.x); // 10
  18. alert(a.y); // undefined
  19. // change prototype explicitly
  20. a.__proto__ = __newPrototype;
  21. // now "а" object references
  22. // to new object also
  23. alert(a.x); // 20
  24. alert(a.y); // 30


  1. var foo = {};
  2. Object.getPrototypeOf(foo) == Object.prototype; // true

对象独立于构造器 | Object is independent from its constructor


  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype.x = 10;
  3. var a = new A();
  4. alert(a.x); // 10
  5. // set "А" to null - explicit
  6. // reference on constructor
  7. A = null;
  8. // but, still possible to create
  9. // objects via indirect reference
  10. // from other object if
  11. // .constructor property has not been changed
  12. var b = new a.constructor();
  13. alert(b.x); // 10
  14. // remove both implicit references
  15. delete a.constructor.prototype.constructor;
  16. delete b.constructor.prototype.constructor;
  17. // it is not possible to create objects
  18. // of "А" constructor anymore, but still
  19. // there are two such objects which
  20. // still have reference to their prototype
  21. alert(a.x); // 10
  22. alert(b.x); // 10

instanceof运算的特性 | Feature of instanceof operator


  1. if (foo instanceof Foo) {
  2. ...
  3. }


  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype.x = 10;
  3. var a = new A();
  4. alert(a.x); // 10
  5. alert(a instanceof A); // true
  6. // if set A.prototype
  7. // to null...
  8. A.prototype = null;
  9. // ...then "a" object still
  10. // has access to its
  11. // prototype - via a.[[Prototype]]
  12. alert(a.x); // 10
  13. // however, instanceof operator
  14. // can't work anymore, because
  15. // starts its examination from the
  16. //prototype property of the constructor
  17. alert(a instanceof A); // error, A.prototype is not an object


  1. function B() {}
  2. var b = new B();
  3. alert(b instanceof B); // true
  4. function C() {}
  5. var __proto = {
  6. constructor: C
  7. };
  8. C.prototype = __proto;
  9. b.__proto__ = __proto;
  10. alert(b instanceof C); // true
  11. alert(b instanceof B); // false

原型作为方法和共享属性的储存器 | Prototype as a storage for methods and shared properties


  1. function A(x) {
  2. this.x = x || 100;
  3. }
  4. A.prototype = (function () {
  5. // initializing context,
  6. // use additional object
  7. var _someSharedVar = 500;
  8. function _someHelper() {
  9. alert('internal helper: ' + _someSharedVar);
  10. }
  11. function method1() {
  12. alert('method1: ' + this.x);
  13. }
  14. function method2() {
  15. alert('method2: ' + this.x);
  16. _someHelper();
  17. }
  18. // the prototype itself
  19. return {
  20. constructor: A,
  21. method1: method1,
  22. method2: method2
  23. };
  24. })();
  25. var a = new A(10);
  26. var b = new A(20);
  27. a.method1(); // method1: 10
  28. a.method2(); // method2: 10, internal helper: 500
  29. b.method1(); // method1: 20
  30. b.method2(); // method2: 20, internal helper: 500
  31. // both objects are use
  32. // the same methods from
  33. // the same prototype
  34. alert(a.method1 === b.method1); // true
  35. alert(a.method2 === b.method2); // true

读写属性 | Reading and writing properties

正如我们提到过的,对于属性的读写是通过内部方法[[Get]]和[[Put]]来管理的。这两个方法是通过属性访问器(property accessors)激活的——点符号或中括号:

  1. // write
  2. foo.bar = 10; // [[Put]] is called
  3. console.log(foo.bar); // 10, [[Get]] is called
  4. console.log(foo['bar']); // the same

[[Get]] method

  1. // if there is own
  2. // property, return it
  3. if (O.hasOwnProperty(P)) {
  4. return O.P;
  5. }
  6. // else, analyzing prototype
  7. var __proto = O.[[Prototype]];
  8. // if there is no prototype (it is,
  9. // possible e.g. in the last link of the
  10. // chain - Object.prototype.[[Prototype]],
  11. // which is equal to null),
  12. // then return undefined;
  13. if (__proto === null) {
  14. return undefined;
  15. }
  16. // else, call [[Get]] method recursively -
  17. // now for prototype; i.e. go through prototype
  18. // chain: try to find property in the
  19. // prototype, after that – in a prototype of
  20. // the prototype and so on, until
  21. // [[Prorotype]] will be equal to null
  22. return __proto.[[Get]](P)


  1. if (window.someObject) {
  2. ...
  3. }


  1. if ('someObject' in window) {
  2. ...
  3. }

[[Put]] method
相反,对象的[[Put]]方法创建或者更新一个自有属性(own property),同时遮蔽掉原型链中的同名属性。

  1. // if we can't write to
  2. // this property then exit
  3. if (!O.[[CanPut]](P)) {
  4. return;
  5. }
  6. // if object doesn't have such own,
  7. // property, then create it; all attributes
  8. // are empty (set to false)
  9. if (!O.hasOwnProperty(P)) {
  10. createNewProperty(O, P, attributes: {
  11. ReadOnly: false,
  12. DontEnum: false,
  13. DontDelete: false,
  14. Internal: false
  15. });
  16. }
  17. // set the value;
  18. // if property existed, its
  19. // attributes are not changed
  20. O.P = V
  21. return;


  1. Object.prototype.x = 100;
  2. var foo = {};
  3. console.log(foo.x); // 100, inherited
  4. foo.x = 10; // [[Put]]
  5. console.log(foo.x); // 10, own
  6. delete foo.x;
  7. console.log(foo.x); // again 100, inherited
  8. 注意,不能遮蔽那些继承的只读的属性,对于这些属性的赋值将会被忽略。这是由内部方法[[CanPut]]控制的。
  9. // For example, property "length" of
  10. // string objects is read-only; let's make a
  11. // string as a prototype of our object and try
  12. // to shadow the "length" property
  13. function SuperString() {
  14. /* nothing */
  15. }
  16. SuperString.prototype = new String("abc");
  17. var foo = new SuperString();
  18. console.log(foo.length); // 3, the length of "abc"
  19. // try to shadow
  20. foo.length = 5;
  21. console.log(foo.length); // still 3


属性访问器 | Property accessors

我们说过,内部方法[[Put]]和[[Get]]由属性访问器(property accessors)激活,在ES中属性访问器是通过点符号“.”和中括号“[]”获得的。点符号是使用在当属性名是一个有效的标示符名称且提前已知(译者按:对应于中括号中可以使用形式名的情况),中括号允许动态地使用属性的形式名称(译者按,即实际属性名或属性名的一部分赋值到某个变量上,然后将变量名作为形式名称或形式名称的部分访问)。

  1. var a = {testProperty: 10};
  2. alert(a.testProperty); // 10, dot notation
  3. alert(a['testProperty']); // 10, bracket notation
  4. var propertyName = 'Property';
  5. alert(a['test' + propertyName]); // 10, 中括号中的动态属性名

这里有一个重要的特性——属性访问器总是对它左边的部分进行ToObject的转换。并且由于这个隐式的转换,可以粗略地说“everything in JavaScript is an object”(但是正如我们已经知道的——当然不是所有的,除了对象还有原始值)。

  1. var a = 10; // primitive value
  2. // but, it has access to methods,
  3. // just like it would be an object
  4. alert(a.toString()); // "10"
  5. // moreover, we can even
  6. // (try) to create a new
  7. // property in the "а" primitive calling [[Put]]
  8. a.test = 100; // seems, it even works
  9. // but, [[Get]] doesn't return
  10. // value for this property, it returns
  11. // by algorithm - undefined
  12. alert(a.test); // undefined

首先,如我们所说,在属性访问器应用后,左边已经不是一个原始值,而是一个中间对象。在这个例子中是一个new Number(a),它可以通过委托访问到原型链中的toString方法。

  1. // Algorithm of evaluating a.toString():
  2. wrapper = new Number(a);
  3. wrapper.toString(); // "10"
  4. delete wrapper;


  1. // Algorithm of evaluating a.test = 100:
  2. wrapper = new Number(a);
  3. wrapper.test = 100;
  4. delete wrapper;


  1. // Algorithm of evaluating a.test:
  2. wrapper = new Number(a);
  3. wrapper.test; // undefined


继承 | Inheritance

(对象的)原型(式继承)是链式的,称为原型链(prototype chain)(译者按:object -> object.[[Prototype]] === object.constructor.prototype(when object create) -> object.[[Prototype]].[[Prototype]] …)
alert(1..toString()); // “1”

首先,从原始值1创建了包装对象new Number(1);

  1. 1.toString(); // SyntaxError!
  2. (1).toString(); // OK
  3. 1..toString(); // OK
  4. 1['toString'](); // OK


  1. function A() {
  2. alert('A.[[Call]] activated');
  3. this.x = 10;
  4. }
  5. A.prototype.y = 20;
  6. var a = new A();
  7. alert([a.x, a.y]); // 10 (own), 20 (inherited)
  8. function B() {}
  9. // the easiest variant of prototypes
  10. // chaining is setting child
  11. // prototype to new object created,
  12. // by the parent constructor
  13. B.prototype = new A();
  14. // fix .constructor property, else it would be А
  15. B.prototype.constructor = B;
  16. var b = new B();
  17. alert([b.x, b.y]); // 10, 20, both are inherited
  18. // [[Get]] b.x:
  19. // b.x (no) --&gt;
  20. // b.[[Prototype]].x (yes) - 10
  21. // [[Get]] b.y
  22. // b.y (no) --&gt;
  23. // b.[[Prototype]].y (no) --&gt;
  24. // b.[[Prototype]].[[Prototype]].y (yes) - 20
  25. // where b.[[Prototype]] === B.prototype,
  26. // and b.[[Prototype]].[[Prototype]] === A.prototype

第二点,其实已经不算是特点而是一个缺点——当后裔原型创建时(e.g. B.prototype = new A())会执行父构造器的代码。我们看到”A.[[Call]] activated”的消息出现了两次,构造器A创建对象a时以及A创建的新对象被用作B.prototype时。

  1. function A(param) {
  2. if (!param) {
  3. throw 'Param required';
  4. }
  5. this.param = param;
  6. }
  7. A.prototype.x = 10;
  8. var a = new A(20);
  9. alert([a.x, a.param]); // 10, 20
  10. function B() {}
  11. B.prototype = new A(); // Error

为了解决这些“特性”和问题,现在的程序员使用的是我们下面展示的这种原型链的标准模式。这个技巧的主要目的是创建一个用来链接原型的中间包装构造器(intermediate wrapper constructor):

  1. function A() {
  2. alert('A.[[Call]] activated');
  3. this.x = 10;
  4. }
  5. A.prototype.y = 20;
  6. var a = new A();
  7. alert([a.x, a.y]); // 10 (own), 20 (inherited)
  8. function B() {
  9. // 或者简单的A.apply(this, arguments);
  10. B.superproto.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
  11. }
  12. // 通过创建空的构造器来链接原型
  13. var F = function() {};
  14. F.prototype = A.prototype;
  15. B.prototype = new F();
  16. B.superproto = A.prototype; // 显式引用父原型
  17. // fix constructor
  18. B.prototype.constructor = B;
  19. var b = new B(); // 'A.[[Call]] activated'
  20. alert([b.x, b.y]); // 10 (own), 20 (inherited)


  1. function inherit(child, parent) {
  2. var F = function() {};
  3. F.prototype = parent.prototype;
  4. child.prototype = new F();
  5. child.prototype.constructor = child;
  6. child.superproto = parent.prototype;
  7. return child;
  8. }


  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype.x = 10;
  3. function B() {}
  4. inherit(B, A); // chaining prototypes
  5. var b = new B();
  6. alert(b.x); // 10, found in the A.prototype


  1. var inherit = (function(){
  2. function F() {}
  3. return function (child, parent) {
  4. F.prototype = parent.prototype;
  5. child.prototype = new F;
  6. child.prototype.constructor = child;
  7. child.superproto = parent.prototype;
  8. return child;
  9. };
  10. })();


  1. function A() {}
  2. A.prototype.x = 10;
  3. function B() {}
  4. inherit(B, A);
  5. B.prototype.y = 20;
  6. B.prototype.foo = function () {
  7. alert("B#foo");
  8. };
  9. var b = new B();
  10. alert(b.x); // 10, is found in A.prototype
  11. function C() {}
  12. inherit(C, B);
  13. // and using our "superproto" sugar
  14. // we can call parent method with the same name
  15. C.ptototype.foo = function () {
  16. C.superproto.foo.call(this);
  17. alert("C#foo");
  18. };
  19. var c = new C();
  20. alert([c.x, c.y]); // 10, 20
  21. c.foo(); // B#foo, C#foo


  1. Object.create || Object.create = function(parent, properties) {
  2. function F() {}
  3. F.prototype = parent.prototype;
  4. var child = new F;
  5. for (var k in properties) {
  6. child[k] = properties[k];
  7. }
  8. return child;
  9. };
  10. //Usage:
  11. var foo = {x: 10};
  12. var bar = Object.create(foo, {y: 20});
  13. console.log(bar.x, bar.y); // 10, 20
  14. For details see this chapter.


总结 | Conclusion


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  • ECMA-262-3 in detail——第七章:OOP(第二部分:ECMAScript实现)


    发布:2015-05-26 阅读(2213)

  • ECMA-262-3 in detail——第七章:OOP(第一部分:一般理论)

    这一章我们讨论ECMAScript中面向对象编程(object-oriented programming)的几个主要方面。由于这一主题已经在许多文章中谈论过,本章并不打算“老调重弹”,而是试图更多地着眼于这些过程内在的理论方面。尤其是,我们将研究对象创建的算法,看看对象间的关系(包括最基本的关系——继承)是如何实现的,并且给出一些讨论中将用到的准确定义(我希望这样能够打消一些术语和思路上的疑惑以及一些关于Javascript文章中OOP部分的常见的混淆)。

    发布:2015-05-06 阅读(1958)

  • ECMA-262-3 in detail——第六章:闭包


    发布:2015-04-28 阅读(2038)

  • ECMA-262-3 in detail——第五章:函数


    发布:2015-04-17 阅读(2089)

  • ECMA-262-3 in detail——第四章:作用域链


    发布:2015-04-07 阅读(1895)

  • ECMA-262-3 in detail——第三章:this关键字


    发布:2015-03-25 阅读(2107)

  • ECMA-262-3 in detail——第二章:变量对象


    发布:2015-03-24 阅读(2238)

  • ECMA-262-3 in detail——第一章:执行上下文

    第1章:在这一章里,我们将会讨论ECMAScript中的执行上下文(execution context)以及与它们相关的可执行代码(executable code)的类型。

    发布:2015-01-10 阅读(2153)